Request type: GET
Redirects the user to the IDP’s sign in page
Exchanges the authorisation code and state from the login endpoint for an access token and information about the user
Query Parameters
Name | Description |
code | The authorisation code received from the login endpoint |
state | The state received from the login endpoint |
Request type: GET
Invalidate the provided access token to log the user out.
Request type: GET
Returns a list of all a user’s friends
Path Variables
Name | Description |
userId | The ID of the user |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": Success message for finding the user.
"data": An array of User objects who are friends.
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: POST
Adds a user to another user’s friend list
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
senderId | The ID of the user who accepted the friend request |
sendeeId | The ID of the user who sent the friend request |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully added users as friends!",
"data": {
"id": sendee id is sent here
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: DELETE
Removes a user from a user’s friend list
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
senderId | The ID of the user who wants to remove a friend |
sendeeId | The ID of the friend to remove |
Code | Format | |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully removed users as friends!",
"data": {
"id": the sendee Id who is removed from friends.
} |
| |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
| |
Request type: POST
Send a friend request to a user
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
senderId | The ID of the user who wants to send the friend request |
sendeeId | The ID of the user to send the friend request to |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully sent friend request!",
"data": {
"id": The sendee Id
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: DELETE
Delete an incoming friend request
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
requestId | The ID of the friend request |
Code | Format |
200 | |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: GET
Returns a list of all users with their names/zIDs matching the search query (TBD)
Query Parameters
Name | Description |
userId | The user’s user ID |
name | The user’s full name (separated by underscores) |
User Information
Request type: GET
Returns information about the current user
Path Variables
Name | Description |
userId | The ID of the user |
This is a typical format a valid User
will be sent back as a response.
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": A message detailing the success of the operation performed.
"data": {
"google_uid": The user's google id as per the authentication
"firstname": The user's first name.
"lastname": The user's surname / other words that make up
their name.
"email": The user's authenticated email address.
"profileURL": The link to fetch user's profile picture.
"createdAt": The time and date the user's information
stored in database (extended ISOString format).
"lastLogin": The last time the user logged in.
(extended ISO string format).
"loggedIn": The status of user's logged in state.
It is a derived (Can be checked with the
previous field) boolean field.
"friends": An array of user google_uid's.
"settings": The settings object, look below for a more detailed
documentation on the settings object.
"timetables": An array of timetable objects. Look below for a
more detailed documentation on the timetable object.
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
} |
A normal settings
object looks like:
"is12HourMode": boolean,
"isDarkMode": boolean,
"isSquareEdges": boolean,
"isHideFullClasses": boolean,
"isDefaultUnscheduled": boolean,
"isHideClassInfo": boolean,
"isSortAlphabetic": boolean,
"isShowOnlyOpenClasses": boolean,
"isHideExamClasses": boolean,
"isConvertToLocalTimezone": boolean
} |
A singular timetable
object looks like:
"timetableId": (randomly generated in backend) string that represents a particular timetable id.
"selectedCourses": An array of selected courses and their metadata.
"events": An array of event objects. Look below for a more detailed documentation on the
event object.
} |
A singular event
object looks like:
"id": The frontend generated id for event.
"name": The name given to the event by the user.
"location": The location for the event as specified by the user.
"description": The description of the event as specified by the user.
"colour": The specified colour of the event
} |
Request type: GET
Return the user’s settings
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully found user and their settings!",
"data": {
"is12HourMode": boolean
"isDarkMode": boolean
"isSquareEdges": boolean
"isHideFullClasses": boolean
"isDefaultUnscheduled": boolean
"isHideClassInfo": boolean
"isSortAlphabetic": boolean
"isShowOnlyOpenClasses": boolean
"isHideExamClasses": boolean
"isConvertToLocalTimezone": boolean
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: PUT
Edit User Settings.
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
userId | The user’s google uid |
setting | setting Look below for the format
A setting
object looks like this:
"is12HourMode": boolean,
"isDarkMode": boolean,
"isSquareEdges": boolean,
"isHideFullClasses": boolean,
"isDefaultUnscheduled": boolean,
"isHideClassInfo": boolean,
"isSortAlphabetic": boolean,
"isShowOnlyOpenClasses": boolean,
"isHideExamClasses": boolean,
"isConvertToLocalTimezone": boolean
} |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully edited user settings!",
"data": {
"is12HourMode": boolean
"isDarkMode": boolean
"isSquareEdges": boolean
"isHideFullClasses": boolean
"isDefaultUnscheduled": boolean
"isHideClassInfo": boolean
"isSortAlphabetic": boolean
"isShowOnlyOpenClasses": boolean
"isHideExamClasses": boolean
"isConvertToLocalTimezone": boolean
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: GET
Return a list of a user’s timetables
Path Variables
Name | Description |
userId | The ID of the user |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": Success message for finding the user and their timetables.
"data": An array of user timetables.
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: POST
Create a new timetable
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
timetableId | This is just dummy data, let this be any valid string and the backend will generate a nice uuid for the timetable. |
selectedCourses | The user’s selected courses |
selectedClasses | The user’s selected classes |
createdEvents | The user’s created events |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully found user and created their new timetable!",
"data": uuid of the newly created timetable.
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: PUT
Edit an existing timetable
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
userId | The ID of the user |
timetable | timetable (Look below for the format)
Name | Description |
timetableId | The ID of the timetable |
selectedCourses | The user’s new selected courses |
selectedClasses | The user’s new selected classes |
createdEvents | The user’s new created events |
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": "Successfully Edited timetable",
"data": {
"id": The uuid of the timetable edited.
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. eg "User Not Found!"
Request type: DELETE
Delete a user’s timetable
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": Success message for finding the user and their timetables.
"data": {
"id": The id of the timetable deleted.
} |
404 | {
"statusCode": 404.
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong.
eg "Timetable Not found!" or "User Not found!".
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
userId | The ID of the timetable |
timetableId | The ID of the timetable |
Request type: GET
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": Success message for creation of group.
"data": {
"groups": [
} |
404 | {
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Can't find user!.
} |
Path Parameters
Name | Description |
zid | The zid of the user. |
Group object:
"id": The id of the group created.
"name": The name of the group created.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group. |
Request type: GET
Get the information of a group given a group ID.
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": Success message for creation of group.
"data": {
"id": The id of the group created.
"name": The name of the group created.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group.
} |
404 | {
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Can't find group!.
} |
Path Parameters
Name | Description |
id | The ID of the group. |
Request type: POST
Create a new group.
Code | Format |
200 | {
"status": Success message for creation of group.
"data": {
"id": The id of the group created.
"name": The name of the group created.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group.
} |
201 | {
"status": Group with that ID already exists!
"data": {
"id": The id of the group created.
"name": The name of the group created.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group.
} |
400 | {
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong.
} |
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
| {
"name": The name of the group.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
} |
groupID | The ID of the group. |
Request type: PUT
Updates the information of a group given a group ID.
Code | Format |
| {
"status": Success message for updating of group.
"data": {
"id": The id of the group created.
"name": The name of the group created.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group.
} |
201 | {
"status": Group created!
"data": {
"id": The id of the group created.
"name": The name of the group created.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group.
} |
409 | {
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. ie already exists
} |
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
| The ID of the admin wishing to make changes. |
groupData | {
"name": The name of the group.
"visibility": The group visibility, the default is private groups.
"timetableIDs": The list of all the selected timetables for users in the group.
"memberIDs": The list of all members in the group.
"groupAdmins": The list of all the group admins.
"groupImageURL": The image URL for the group.
} |
| The ID of the group. |
Request type: DELETE
Delete a group given the group ID.
Code | Format |
| {
"status": Success message for deletion of group.
"data": {}
} |
404 | {
"timestamp": An ISOString format timestamp of when error encountered.
"path": The url path that cause this error to occur.
"data": Message detailing what went wrong. ie Not Found,
Or user is not authorized for the action.
} |
Body Parameters
Name | Description |
userID | The ID of the user wishing to delete group. |
groupID | The ID of the group. |