Search function
Front page search bar
Search query should filter cards with relevant results
Use filters (dropdowns) to filter out relevant results on home page
Display card
have actual review content
description + course metadata
sort results
review page for each course
submit review component:
Text for review
Star ratings for each category of the course
submit review into database
log in to submit
list / grid view
clicking on labels tot ake you to a page with pre-filtered results
Nav bar should have search function
Features Brainstorm
Navigation Bar
Submit course reviews
Course Code
Review Text
Boolean completed course (must provide term taken) or undertaking course currently
Date (term) will be automatically included
Course page:
Non-technical description of course
Mini dashboard with numerical values summarising review
Add tags to course (what major it is most relevant in)
View all the reviews of each course
Sort from most popular reviews to least popular
Can upvote
Can downvote
Sort from most recent to least recent
how many reviews a course got
Report feature (can just send an email to Studex or Grievance)
hide author from post (checked by default)
Page to see all the courses
Sorting most popular courses
Numerical rating of review
Filter by tags (major tags, e.g. Security, OS)
Front page:
top 5 electives
most recommended / peoples favourite / most liked / most upvotes
Terms & Conditions Page
Follow uni policy or something
dont be abusive
eveyrthing heere is opinionated
Recommended courses based on your current courses
Reddit integration
Comment on a review
Give feedback page
submit course review page - @Unlicensed user @Unlicensed user @Timmy Huang (Unlicensed)@Cameron Huang (Unlicensed)
course page - @Vivian Wang (Unlicensed) @Victoria Vu (Unlicensed) @Unlicensed user
search for courses page - all courses page -
navigation bar + terms & conditions footer - @Priscilla Soo (Unlicensed)
login + sign up page
Should we enforce log in using zid + password?
upvotes + downvotes
account page with your own courses
one review per course
does not ensure anonymity - put a disclaimer
hide author from post (checked by default)
Lesson Plan
Day 1
set up node and npm, yarn, etc.
create react app
dont touch javascript yet, only look at HTML and CSS
what are classes, etc.
everyone plays around locally
introuduce git - what it is
make a git repository with website - make sure everyone has their own section of the website
everyone pulls and edits their version and pushes it back out
everyone pulls and can see everyones own section
introduce merge conflicts
everyone try and merge X peron’s section and push
we’ll see theres merge conflicts, show how to resolve in vs code
Day 2
we saw that html and css were static, javascript is the logic that can change it
do some testing in the chrome console, see how we can affect certain classes
now instead of in chrome we write it in a javascript file
show how a button can create an alert (no usestate yet)
show how we can create a whole page in javascsript (return html object)
introduce Semantic UI - we can make it pretty with these classes
looks so much better
Day 3
now we know what we can do everyone take a break and draft a design.
nav bar, what pages do we have, what happens on a course page, what do we want.
colour scheme
submit review form
landing page
introduce figma
Day 4
revise Day 2
go over states and how we can use them in forms