Meeting Summaries

Meeting Summaries

Friday, 19 October 2021

  • The icon headers for the invites table should have a tooltip show on hover

  • Allow users to edit their name in the edit profile popup

  • Allow users to disable their profile picture that was imported Facebook

  • When you edit your profile, the name text field should be automatically focused

Friday, 12 October 2021

  • Friend invite system

    • Create a new invite whenever you click “Invite friend”

    • Default expiry: 2 days

    • Default uses: 10 uses

Friday, 29 October 2021

  • Martin will add our new email address to the footer

  • We discussed the mobile design and have put together this layout for the main page so far:

The mobile design (from Adobe XD)

Friday, 22 October 2021

  • We mostly completed the desktop design in Adobe XD

  • The term selector, week switcher, and timetable tabs were simplified into dropdowns placed together above the timetable

  • The course selector will be less wide, to accommodate for the other UI elements, and provide consistency with the mobile design

  • The full-width title bar will eschewed to maximise vertical screen real estate for the timetable

  • The sidebar will be collapsible to only show profile pictures and other icons, similar to Discord’s design

The desktop design (from Adobe XD)

Friday, 1 October 2021

  • The meeting ran for about 90 minutes

  • We assessed our current priorities and chose new tasks to work on

  • Martin, Mehak and I started having a look at how the drag-and-drop code works

  • Andrew and Abiram will add support for multiple timetable years to the scraper

  • Martin and Mehak will work on making the timetable scroll as you drag on mobile

  • It was suggested that Emily and Ollie implement showing when the data was last updated on the front-end (this feature was just added in the back-end)

Friday, 24 September 2021

  • At the start of the meeting, we discussed and put in place target dates for various issues and epics (on the Trello, cards and columns, respectively)

  • This meeting was the first time most of us had been able to make it in a few weeks, so everyone got caught up on what had happened with our recent development and design discussions

  • To inform the design process, we identified two main use cases for social timetabling:

    • When you’re initially planning your timetable, and coordinating classes with friends

    • When it’s during the term, and you’re trying to find times that you and your friends are free

  • The first use case works better when you’re viewing just your timetable, with profile avatars of your friends showing inside each class to indicate which classes they are taking (but only out of the classes you’re also taking)

  • The second use case requires seeing multiple timetables at once, which includes whatever classes they’re taking but you’re not, because they’re relevant to finding an overlap in free time

    • This may include a heat map view, where shades indicate available across multiple timetables

  • We decided to focus on the first use case for the initial social timetabling MVP, so we will only support showing one timetable at a time for now

  • Emily and Mehak will work on the in-person courses filter

  • Ollie and Martin will reduce clutter in the mobile nav bar

  • Andrew and Abiram will add an endpoint to the shared scraper, which will report when the data was last updated

  • I will help with these issues, and complete auto-timetabling

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

  • Before the meeting, Andrew and I worked on re-writing the endpoints which were lost when Andrew’s drive was corrupted earlier (lesson: always commit after writing some code)

  • Martin, Ollie and I tweaked the timetable’s horizontal-scrolling CSS to improve mobile usability

  • We briefly discussed writing more concrete goals and timeframes for features, which will be discussed further in next week’s meeting

  • I will help with the server endpoints, work on deploying the scraper, and complete basic auto-timetabling

  • Martin and Ollie will continue adding mobile usability improvements

  • Andrew and Abiram will finish the required endpoints for the shared scraper

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

  • Abiram, Martin and I worked on the desktop design in Adobe XD

    • The colour scheme and other styling will reflect the CSESoc website style guide better

    • A new layout was sketched which includes has the settings and account options in the bottom left

  • We discussed a set of privacy principles which Notangles should follow

    • We will have an option for privacy-minded users which allows them to take control of who can send them friend requests on Notangles, by generating unique links which can be sent to friends off-platform

    • This will probably replace friend suggestions and search altogether

    • We decided that privacy-oriented design should generally be the default for all users

  • I introduced a new stand-ups channel, as per Esther’s suggestion, where each member of the team will post asynchronous updates about their progress each week

  • This week, Abiram will focus on design, while also helping Andrew with implementing endpoints on the backend

  • Martin will work with Ollie on adding basic mobile support, starting with a horizontally-scrollable timetable

  • Mehak and Emily will work towards finishing the in-person course filter

  • I will help with each of these issues where needed, complete the in-person class icons, and finish integrating the autotimetabling code

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

  • Design ideas

    • Have icons next to each option in the course select to indicate if they have online/F2F options

    • Show tabs to filter online/F2f courses at the top of the course select dropdown

  • Discussed asynchronous programming in JS, and async/await

  • Went through new responses in the feedback form and updated the task board

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

  • Design ideas

    • Have the top item of the course select automatically highlighted

Thursday, 20 May 2021

  • Design ideas

    • Hide tabs in a dropdown to reduce clutter

    • Have a dedicated dark theme button outside the settings view

    • Remove the settings button from next to the user’s profile

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