Frontend Sprint 1 Retro - 07/03/2022

Frontend Sprint 1 Retro - 07/03/2022


Reflect on the previous time period

can use this on a 1min timer if preferred (https://retrotool.app )







What was completed?

  • Added the confirmation modal to reset the planner data, redirecting to course page.

  • Exploring and learning the codebase at a high level. updating course items to show inaccurate courses, adding in a warning symbol for each occurance.

  • onboarding ticket - display ‘None’ for requirements, add option to add course as gen ed/elective to course selector

  • learnt redux from video, get used to codebase, changing style of some code encountered, created button to unschedule all courses, css styling of option buttons

not autorefreshing page when making a change (Leo, Oliver, Uzaif)

What was done well?

  • size of tickets was good to work for onboarding. Could jump in without much setup

  • tickets had examples and some had visual representation which was useful

  • intro video to frontend was useful to understand the code base at a high level

  • redux crash course was useful

  • in-person meet up was fun!


What could have been done better?

  • have more tickets

  • have a clearer roadmap to deployment (what stuff needs to be done for deployment)

  • now that we’re accustomed to codebase, we can do more (and more complex) tickets


Update plans for the future







Short term goals

(achieve by next retro)

  • course selector

    • categorise courses e.g. core courses

    • add faculty

    • name of major and minor in sidebar

  • degree wizard

    • finish up on the reset planner modal

    • moving year into its own step

    • adding a ‘none’ option to the minor step

  • navbar should show all pages

  • term planner

  • fix page starting from content rather than from header sometimes

  • progression checker

    • liquid chart accurately shows UOC

    • major/minor buttons are accurate

    • get rid of ‘circles is not ready for use’


Medium term goals

(review at next retro)

  • list view in progression checker

  • draggable tabs in course selector

  • unplanned is a droppable container



(ETA until release, etc)

  • frontend should be deployment-ready once we complete the short term goals

  • ~ 2 weeks



Random stuff







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