🦜Frontend Setup
npm install
npm run dev # to run on localhost
Directory Format
includes routes to pages
create folder for a component in components folder i.e. Dialog folder
include in folder:
.tsx file for component
style.ts for component
.test.tsx file for testing
add files where calculations or helper functions are made eg calculations for average ratings
create files for functions with API requests
i.e. getUser.function.ts
For every new reducer added to /reducers, make sure the slice is included in ./store.ts and in the helper rtl.tsx for testing.
New reducers should be created based on a “category” of the API and data logic (e.g. courses, reviews .. etc)
In each new slice you handle the API call and define the behaviour of the redux state depending on whether the call is successful or not.
create folder for each page i.e. HomePage folder
include in folder:
.tsx file for page
.test.tsx file for tests
.style.ts file for style
Folders for bigger sections of the page i.e. LoginDialog
We don’t want to call the actual backend to test while developing frontend, so instead we’ll be using a mock server (in /frontend/src/stubbing)
can have a look at the pull request here (ty aimen)