2023 Visions and Goals
Become the source of truth for when a room is free
Student A: “When’s this room gonna be free?” Student B: “Check Freerooms”
Cater to not only CSE students but also the wider UNSW community including students and staff
Optimise the user experience with a strong focus on mobile users
Develop new and existing skills, explore new technologies and learn and grow as a team
Foster a welcoming and supporting environment where each member feels comfortable asking questions
Encourage pair programming so team members can better support each other and stay connected
Complete and Deploy v2 Frontend FRONTEND
What? There are just a few touch ups and features that need to be ported from the old frontend before we’re ready to deploy.
When? Term 1
Redesign the search/sort/filter bar
Improve the map functionality - dynamically load building markers, colour by availability (possibly rewrite using Google Maps API)
Port room timetable feature
Port “Room available in X minutes” feature
Replace V1 frontend with V2 on the main domain
Restructure Frontend FRONTEND
What? The v2 frontend was not designed to be very extensible, so some work needs to be done before we can start working on new features
When? Term 1
Use the new Next13
directorySeparate landing page, building list and map into distinct pages
Create a way to navigate between these pages (e.g. a navbar)
Lift the search bar into the navbar as a more global feature
Improve the landing page aesthetically and functionally (put some info)
Expand Data Scope BACKend
What? Currently we only support CATS rooms, and the only room bookings we display are classes. However, there’s much more out there.
When? Term 1
Look in to scraping the library room bookings (https://unswlibrary-bookings.libcal.com)
Look in to scraping the timetable enquiry website (https://nss.cse.unsw.edu.au/tt/ )
Take room closures/requiring ID access into account
What? Ideally we can become a sort of room database, where people can look up rooms and see useful info such as location, room capacity, how to book etc.
When? Term 1/2
Pages for each building and room
Find out how to book each room
New backend endpoint to obtain this information
Photograph every room
Personalisation FRONTEND
What? Some small quality of life stuff to allow users to personalise their experience
When? Term 2
Dark mode
Compact/list view (as opposed to card view)
Favourite/pin certain buildings and rooms so you can easily access them
A settings page to accommodate all these options
User Involvement FRONTEND backend
What? Once Freerooms it released and advertised and we have a decently sized user base, we can start working on features that benefit from a lot of user involvement
When? Term 2
Integrate with the CSESoc authentication system
Allow users to report rooms as occupied
Encourage users to review/rate rooms on various factors
Encourage users to submit their own images of rooms and buildings
Mobile App APP
What? A mobile app version of Freerooms
When? 2023?
Discuss the requirements of the mobile app
Plan and design the look of the app