Project Worflow

Project Worflow


  • In-person weekly meetings/catchups sessions + bonding. For now, we’ll experiment with this format but we’ll see as how this will go throughout the term:

    • Meeting/catchup sessions - updates + dev sessions + demos + anything that needs to be discussed as a team. We want to keep this casual as much as we can

      • Miss three meetings (without any reason or letting us know in advance) and you’re out :(

    • Bonding - very self-explanatory xD


  • We will hold retros every term just to reflect how we did as a team and what we can improve on. Will be usually at the end of term. More details TBD.

Async Standups

  • You should also be posting a standup in the #standups channel on Discord each week so that the team and execs can get an idea of what’s going on with the project. Start off with your message with $standup so that the Discord Bot can detect it!!

  • The format for these is:

    What you did What you will do Any problems you need help with

Example of wring a standup

What makes a good standup?

Although writing standups seems easy and quick, please spend some time writing on good standups! The main point of standups is to get across what you are doing to other people that do not have the context on what you are working on. It doesn’t have to be long but it just needs to be specific! For example, these would be a good standup that anyone can read and understand!

What makes a bad standup?

  • Avoid reference to just ticket numbers alone. If you only write down Worked on JOB-69 alone, it is not easy to identify what you are working. Please write a brief line describing the feature you are working on! i.e. Worked on displaying results onto the search bar

  • Avoid being to general with your standups! i.e. Will work on other ticket or Did landing page ticket are considered bad standups as they don’t detail to anyone what exactly you are working on!

Please avoid standups like these


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