Troubleshooting Docker

Troubleshooting Docker

As we all know, Docker can be a bit of a pain at times. That’s why this document is here to help you. Feel free to use or contribute helpful information when trying to fix a problem.

ENOSPC no space left on device

This error happens when there's not enough space available on the disk.

Use the command docker system prune to clean up any unused images and containers.



How do I know if I’m in Development mode?

  1. Check that in your config.ts file (located in /frontend/src/config ) has the localhost api root uncommented and the production api root commented out.

    export default { // apiRoot: "https://jobsboard.csesoc.unsw.edu.au/api", apiRoot: "", sessionStorageApiTokenKeyName: "jobs-board-api-token", };
  2. Ensure that your .env file is placed in /backend and contains the following lines.

    NODE_ENV=development SERVER_PORT=8080
  3. When running docker-compose up [images] , ensure that you see the following lines.

  4. Alternatively, you can always try logging in with the test company’s credential and see if the jobs are the default ones created for testing purposes.


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