Goals 2022

Goals 2022

HUGE things are coming this year to CSESoc’s Jobs Board.


  • Current State of Project

  • Short Term Goals

  • Long Term Goals

Current State of Project

Tech Stack













If you are curious about how the project currently looks like, look here.

Short Term Goals

Since taking over the project, we (the leads) have noticed a few core features that are missing from the project. These are:

  • Password Reset for Companies

  • “Hide” functionality to hide job posts

  • Date Filter to hide expired job posts

But the real interesting part of all these is that we are planning to completely revamp the frontend including the addition of dark mode (see pic below)!!! This will include redesigning all 15 pages in Jobs Board in addition to a few ideas we had for new pages which are:

A page where students are able to find articles related to jobs such as “How to Write a Great Resume”, “Interview Tips from Previous Interns and Grads” and more.

A new landing page where we are able to flex to others that we have companies like Canva posting jobs through us.

A page where companies are able to see our stats about the number of companies registered with us, the number of job posts that we released the past year and more.

For a look into the new design of the jobs board, look here.

Long Term Goals

Once done with the frontend for the project, we are planning to introduce several new features that are sure to be useful for any CSE student, whether you are a domestic student or an international. These features are:





International Student Tag

For every job post, we aim to have a better transparency by stating right off the bat whether a company is willing to hire an international or not.

Logic behind this: Have you (an international) ever spent a large amount of time reading a job description while thinking…. “This job seems right for me…” only to be disappointed later on when you see that sentence that says “… open to Australia or New Zealand citizens and permanent residents only”. Well no more!

Filter Bar and functionality

Students are able to search for a job post based on:

  • company name

  • role

  • job description

Knowledge of algorithms is a bonus.

Job Recommendation

Students are able to get job recommendations based on which CSE courses they have completed so far.

For example, a student who has completed COMP2521 is now a LeetCode god and should be recommended to apply for a Google job right???

Knowledge of algorithms is a bonus.

Rich Text Editor for Companies

Transitioning from the current markdown editor to a rich text editor which is currently being developed by the Website’s team.

CI/CD Setup

Putting that COMP1531 knowledge to good use by setting up a CI/CD.