Project Workflow 2022

Project Workflow 2022

Time Commitment

We understand that everyone has classes/assignments/interview prep or just life in general. This is why we hope that everyone is able to commit just 5 hours of your week towards the project. Of course, if you absolutely love coding and want to contribute more, you are more than welcome to do so

To let you manage your time efficiently, these are some of the things that you are expected to follow:

  • (1 hour) Meetings - No rigid schedule and happens whenever there is something major to discuss. These will be a chill meeting with all members to assess the current state of the project and to bring up any blockers/concerns that you may need help with. We’ll do our best to keep this short and simple.

  • (10 mins) Weekly Standups - Done every Friday. Just a quick update about everyone’s progress in their respective tasks. Please follow the template for consistency:

    • What you worked on?

      What are you gonna work on?
      Were there any blockers?

    • Remember to start standup messages with $standup

  • (3 hours) Self Coding - Could be less depending on what you were assigned to?

  • (50 mins - ∞) Dev-Session - A chill, weekly coding session with your fellow teammates on the Discord vc. We can code while listening to music/playing games/watching movies etc (whatever you’d like). You don’t have to attend this but it would be really awesome if you do uWu

If at any point you feel like you are falling behind in classes or you aren’t feeling well that week or just need to take a break from the stress of it all, please please please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the leads and we’ll do whatever we can to help. Don’t, at any point, feel like you have to suffer in silence – that’s the last thing any of us would want . We lost a few members in the past because of this .

Social Events

Moving on to the fun stuff. One of the goals of Projects this year is to create a closer community. After all, we didn’t allocate you into a project just to be code monkeys xD. This means that there’ll be more bonding activities this year .

The big events that’ll be happening this year are the monthly activities that each project team will take turns hosting. To find out more about what is happening during each month, refer to Monthly Events!

In addition to that, there will be weekly study sessions (currently being planned) on campus where we can all hang out and do some coding/project work/leetcode grinding lol. To learn more about this as it’s being updated Weekly Study Session

Also, within our own project team, we hope to have at least an hour allocated every month to doing anything unrelated to the project or even coding in general. This could include movie/game night, going out to a bar, having dinner and just catching up with each other