23T2 Week 2

23T2 Week 2

Date & Time

Wednesday 7 June 2023 1:00-2:00pm


Online: Sally, Sijin, Michael
Inperson: Eklavya, Jasmine, Manhua, Raiyan, Shaam, Wanning


Remind everyone to start writing standups again before our meetings
Give Wanning her new modified ticket for ‘via link’
  • Link will now direct user to an immediate link that will take them to Notangles and will give them a prompt for whether they would like to add the event to their timetable

  • The link being shared, instead of being a long scary looking string, will be something like https://notangles.csesoc.app/abcdefgh

Ask Sally to go through the custom events and history bugs with us
Other potential tickets:
Custom colours for courses ← assign to Sally, but do after multiple timetables is implemented
Not allowing dragging of tutor class cards
Refactor History.tsx
Refactoring CustomEvents.tsx, taking out some functions and putting it into util
Colour picker should revert to default colour if user clicks outside the colour mapper.


  • Implement a cheat sheet

  • Jasmine: Did her ticket and it accommodates for times outside of the normal range.

  • Wanning: Design and research for her link ticket.

  • Da bois: 1) Eklavya: Nearly done with multiple timetables

    • Actions changed in history.ts

  • Sijin: Planning to use a dragging library for the animations for the multiple timetables

  • Sally: Transparent modals + popovers