23T2 Week 3
Date & Time | Thursday 15 June 2023 5:00- |
Participants | Online: Eklavya, Sally, Shaam, Wanning |
Multiple Timetables
Michael went through how History.tsx works with multiple timetables with directors
Still need to refactor:
Refactor repeated code for setSelectedCourses, setSelectedClasses, setCreatedEvents into a function. Is repeated few times throughout code
Make dialogs for clear all and current timetables consistent with when discard changes to event info without saving.
Shaam go through timetable tab drag and drop
Sharing Event Link
Makes links shorter, Wanning do more research on:
base64 encryption
JSON crush
Got the thing in purple now as a link. Problem: the link after notangles.csesoc.app is still too long
Timetable Tab Animations
Currently played around with library
Problems however is it doesnt work on the tab components
Most likely work with react-beautiful-dnd?
But Shaam will look into framer motion to see if it will work for the tabs
Gave Jasmine her new ticket: don't allow dragging of tutor cards
Gave Michael his new ticket: custom colours for courses, and not allowing location to be compulsory (surely trivial )