23T3 Week 2

23T3 Week 2

Date & Time

Thursday 21 September 2023 2:25pm-3:00pm


Manhua, Jasmine, Wanning, Raiyan, Hanyuan, Michael V, Michael S, Jeremy, Ollie, Keith, Lucy

Projects Taster Day

CTF Ideas

  1. Make a custom event link with the flags embedded. Description is the flag

    1. When they create an event with a certain location (e.g. location of taster day) the name of the event automatically changes - Michael

  2. Create 5 multiple timetables to see the flag. Flag in the name of the timetable - Eklavya

  3. Replace error of maximum timetables popover with the flag - Michael, prioritise first


  • Mini blue cupcakes/cakepops, 20x

    • They get only if they complete ALL 3 CTFs


  • Ray, Jasmine, Manhua will be there on Tuesday 2:30-4:30pm


  • Ollie the otter



  • Timetable timeout was completed by Shaam already

  • Timetables endpoint, Ray will explain more what it’s about

  • Sunday, Ray and Eklavya will have meeting to discuss it


  • work on the 3 social timetabling endpoints

    • /api/user/profile/:userId

    • /api/user/settings/:userId

    • /api/user/settings

  • thinking of another way to more elegantly include colours of courses without breaking everyone’s timetables when being pushed into prod

    • populate it with placeholder colour initially, it won’t break everyone’s timetables

    • push out the way colours is stored that will break everyone with a current timetable, at the end of the year

      • clear everyone’s local storage or just be overwritten

  • Make changes to save colour


  • Change red arrow for step 3. because red on purple is hard to see

  • Make “Step 1” stand out

  • Scrolling bad, have a slider to move through the steps or an arrow to move to next step

  • Leave save button inlined with the choose colour, make Save button blue, the Choose Colour button clear

    • Put ‘Save’ and 'Choose Colour” as a button group


  • Double click event to open popover

  • Make consistent position of popover for the event