23T3 Week 0

23T3 Week 0

Date & Time

Monday 4 September 2023 7:00pm-10:30pm


Wanning, Ray, Jasmine, Michael


SLEEP EARLY for once
Ensure everyone knows what their current ticket is, whether it is new or to be finished off
Ray and Manhua go over Docker for social timetabling (just between directors, so subcom no need to worry )
Ray look into rogue API points calling backend for security
Manhua adding dialog for keyboard shortcuts (whilst attempting to fix undo and redo)
Manhua look into integrating Federated Auth into Notangles
Sijin to figure out how tf unscheduled drop zones get rendered for classes so I can replicate it for events
Michael - me fix bug


  • Clarified everyone’s tickets

  • Made sure everyone merged dev and understood pnpm and Vite migration

  • Watched some great youtube videos

  • Then got to coding 😤

Course Custom Colors - Michael

  • Functionality is all mostly done

  • Ray helped look at the course custom colors bug

    • Bug: The first loaded timetable (leftmost) doesn't seem to get previously set colors properly from local storage and instead overrides them with the default colors.

  • Need to improve the UI and add a button that allows user to “Save Colour”

  • Discussed lodash and cloneDeep()

  • Continue to try to fix the bug 😭 and improve ui/ux

Event Sharing Link Improvement - Wanning

Manhua helped look through moving out repeated functions (those requested changes Manhua made in PR)

  • Wanning improved padding on event preview card

  • Merged dev and resolved conflicts

  • Discussed how the link could further be shortened:

    • Currently looks like e.g. https://notangles.csesoc.app/event/eyJ0eXBlIjoiZXZlbnQiLCJldmVudCI6eyJpZCI6IjBhMmYyYTNkLTcyZTQtNDJmNi1iMGMxLWQ3N2E0NDg1MjdmZCIsIm5hbWUiOiJhc2RmIiwibG9jYXRpb24iOiJzYWRmIiwiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiIiLCJjb2xvciI6IiMxRjdFOEMifSwidGltZSI6eyJkYXkiOjIsInN0YXJ0IjoxMywiZW5kIjoxNH19

    • Once database is setup, we could replace the base64 string to the event uuid e.g. https://notangles.csesoc.app/event/746fc1b6-17e9-4d80-b4cc-02d762eb0501

  1. Final decision with shortening link: deploy the long link we have now, but not market the feature yet until we have a database that provides a shorter link users can share with friends
  • Feature basically all done now! Link will prompt user to the Notangles page and add the event to their calendar

Disable Dragging Tutor Class Cards - Jasmine

  • Tutor class card does not move now

  • Disabled edit icon on the tutoring class card

  • Delete button has still been included, but tutorial and laboratory cards delete separately

  • Needs to add edit option for colour still. (similar to Michael’s course custom colours) e.g.

  • Manhua and Ray to review the PR


Support/Help Modal - Jasmine

  • Keyboard shortcuts were collated by Manhua

  • Started rough look of modal:

  • Instead of having a “How it Works” tab, will have separate tabs for:

    • creating classes

    • creating events

    • event sharing link

  • Each of these tabs will have simple steps on how to do each e.g. Google Calendar

Integrating CSESoc Federated Auth - Manhua

  • Read the Platforms federated auth confluence page

  • Understood flow of Auth 2.0 and OpenID Connect

  • Clarified my understanding and questions with Jared

  • Start setting up things in code once Ray’s backend endpoints have been roughly setup


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