Onboarding Steps

Onboarding Steps

Read through…

  1. Our README.md to get a brief glimpse into what the project is about.

  2. 2023 Structs.sh Visions & Goals to see the new features and fixes we hope to introduce this year.

  3. https://compclub.atlassian.net/l/c/CX3a0VHP. Look out for what you are interested in learning and/or which parts of the project you want to contribute to. You don’t need to do any learning before our first meeting.

  4. The pages under the https://compclub.atlassian.net/l/c/qwSzYzmp tab to understand

    1. how we will manage the project for the year.

    2. how the git branches are structured.

    3. how the website is deployed.

Actionable items

Before our first meeting…

  1. Clone our GitHub repositoryGitHub - devsoc-unsw/structs.sh: An educational data structures and algorithms platform. and follow the instructions in the README.md to set up your local environment for development.

  2. Have a quick look around our documentation: Documentation

  3. Under https://compclub.atlassian.net/l/c/2U8jHJHE, read the provided articles on Agile practices and project management, and watch the tutorial video on how to use Jira.

After our first meeting…

  1. Figure out what you’ll need to learn and make use of the linked study resources (or find your own).

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