


Weekly Meetings

  • In each week we will alternate between online meetings and offline dev sessions

    • Online meetings will be held on Discord and will be quite structured - give updates, address anything that needs to be discussed as a team

    • Offline dev sessions will be held on campus and are a great opportunity to hang out with the team and work on the project together - snacks will be provided :))

  • What days and the pattern of which weeks are online/offline are still TBD

Asynchronous Standups

  • You should also be posting a standup in the #standups channel on Discord each week so that the team and execs can get an idea of what’s going on with the project

  • The format for these is:

What you did What you will do Any problems you need help with


If you have trouble accessing any of these let us know :)


  • Where this page is!

  • We will have our meeting minutes in our Confluence space

  • This space also contains some important information about the Project

  • You can freely view and edit these pages


  • This is where you can find all the tasks that need to be completed and where your tasks will be assigned

  • There is a shortcut from the Confluence page

  • Can also access from here: https://compclub.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/FREE/boards/6

  • Sprints are comprised of Tasks, which represent smaller distinct tasks to be complete as we progress towards completing the sprint

    • Typically assigned to 1 or 2 ppl

    • e.g. ‘Create home page’

    • Tasks may have Subtasks - these can be helpful if multiple are people assigned to a Task and you need to divide the work somehow

  • Each issue has a status, these are: TO DO, IN PROGRESS, PENDING REView and DONE

    • Jira can automatically move tickets to IN progress when you create a branch, then to PENDING REVIEW when you open a PR and finally done when the PR is merged

    • If the issue is not code related (e.g. design something) then you need to make sure to manually move them


  • The Freerooms GitHub repository is here: GitHub - devsoc-unsw/freerooms: A web application designed to aid UNSW students in finding vacant rooms.

  • The master branch contains our most final code

  • For any fix/feature you need to implement, create a separate branch

    • If the feature has a corresponding Jira ticket, make sure to name it accordingly! (see below)

  • Commit and push OFTEN !!! Please don’t wait till your whole task is complete to commit and/or push, commit for every small milestone (even if it doesn’t really work)

    • For your commit messages, you are mostly free to do what you want (just please, no one-word commit messages like “update”, they are so hard to read XD) - be descriptive!

  • Don’t push directly to master! When you are happy with your branch, open a pull request and assign reviewers (one of the directors, and one team member)

    • Make sure to comment your code to make your reviewer’s life easier

    • If you a reviewer: take the time to review carefully they are very important! If you see any improvements that can be made, can add a comment on the PR

Branch Naming Conventions

  • The format for branches is <ticket>-<description>

    • <ticket>: Optional. If there is a corresponding Jira ticket, put the ticket number at the front.

    • <subject>: Briefly describe what the branch is for

  • Examples: FREE-23-landing-page, FREE-51-filter-function, map-fixes

Pull Request/Merge Commit Naming Conventions

  • The format for pull request names is <type>(<scope>): <subject>

    • <type>: The type of pull request. Examples include:

      • feat - new feature

      • fix - bug fix

      • docs - changes to the documentation

      • style - formatting, missing semi colons, etc. (no code change)

      • refactor - refactoring code (changing code but not changing what it does) e.g. extracting duplicate code into a helper function

      • test - adding tests, refactoring tests

      • chore - anything else e.g. updating the Dockerfile or other config files

    • <scope>: Optional. The scope (e.g. the feature) that this pull request changes

    • <subject>: Briefly describe the changes made in the PR in future tense

  • Examples: feat(map): dynamically load building markers, fix(scraper): prevent scraping on every deploy, chore(deps): update node.js to v19


  • This is where we will hold our online meetings

  • Important announcements and info about bonding events will be posted in the Freerooms #announcements channel

  • Discuss anything Freerooms related in the #general channel :))

    • Try to use the Discord channel/make a thread when you need to discuss smth with ur partner for ur ticket

  • The #technical channel is for anything concerning deployment - if you want the Platform team to see smth post it here

  • The #jira and #github channels post any updates forwarded from Jira and GitHub

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