22T1 Week 5

22T1 Week 5

Date & Time

Saturday - 19/03 1pm - 3pm


Emily, Grace, MJ, Manhua, Martin, Max, Ollie, Omar, Raiyan, Sijin

Questions for Luke:

  • What is /common for? /common is cancelled (not being used anymore)

  • How to check feedback form? view https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UWZuHprDb8mV2a45LUVupeg4dCjLpsu1DU18SFGYm48/edit#responses with an @ csesoc email (there’s a button to view the spreadsheet)

  • How to access analytics? the 2020 lead owns it, either I can ask him to transfer ownership, or we make a new analytics

  • Adobe XD for new UI? I asked abiram but he hasn’t done it, will follow up about it now

@ notangles feedback: - Auto timetable isn't that useful imo (vetoed) - Add tests (vetoed) - Share button which copies formatted & attributed timetable as an image to your clipboard (like how wordle shares their results but as an image) (vetoed) - Hide courses without classes? (vetoed)