22T1 Holidays Week 1

22T1 Holidays Week 1

Date & Time

Saturday 14/05/22 11:00 - 13:00


Emily, Grace, Luke, Manhua, Martin, MJ, Ollie, Omar, Raiyan, Sijin


  • Holiday sprints

  • Get social timetabling happening

    • Send db schema to jared so that he can setup the prod db (but use local db while developing)

  • Finish up your existing tickets if u have them:

    • Custom user events

    • Timetable clashes

    • and then??? everyone work on social timetabling? but perhaps too many cooks will spoil the broth

  • More dev sessions??



Social Timetabling Peeps: Martin, Max, Emily, Raiyan, Omar

Showing time periods clearer: Grace


UPDATES: (Try to get done by the end of this week)

  • Grace: figure out issue with timetable clashes (sorting?? group by course)

  • Emily: continue with login button

  • Manhua & Sijin: frontend mostly done - but deciding on how to enter time + add icons, editing events