22T1 Holidays Week 1
Date & Time | Saturday 14/05/22 11:00 - 13:00 |
Participants | Emily, Grace, Luke, Manhua, Martin, MJ, Ollie, Omar, Raiyan, Sijin |
Holiday sprints
Get social timetabling happening
Send db schema to jared so that he can setup the prod db (but use local db while developing)
Finish up your existing tickets if u have them:
Custom user events
Timetable clashes
and then??? everyone work on social timetabling? but perhaps too many cooks will spoil the broth
More dev sessions??
Social Timetabling Peeps: Martin, Max, Emily, Raiyan, Omar
Showing time periods clearer: Grace
UPDATES: (Try to get done by the end of this week)
Grace: figure out issue with timetable clashes (sorting?? group by course)
Emily: continue with login button
Manhua & Sijin: frontend mostly done - but deciding on how to enter time + add icons, editing events