22T1 Week 9

22T1 Week 9

Date & Time

Saturday 16/04/2022 11:00AM-1:00PM


MJ, Ollie, Angella, Emily, Grace, Manhua, Martin, Raiyan, Sijin



Resolve dependabot pull requests.
Go through styled-component changes.
Bonding: Lakemba Ramadan night markets(?)
Bonding: Socks weekly challenge - study together uwu ? next week ?


Need to get a move on for social timetabling (do we need more people on this?).
  • New frontend design… perhaps our resident -insert society name here- creative team can handle this

  • We have a “design” but it has been a million years and i still havent got it so we are making a new one

  • Probably good to come up with ur own ideas before looking at that one.

Address feature requests.
Key blockers
Testing DB
Feedback form.
Everyone needs to merge dev in now and fix merge conflicts.


Changes to Notangles:

  • Upgraded to MUI v5.

  • No more styled components (using styled from @mui/system instead → default styling engine).

Progress updates:

  • Grace & Angella: pulled from dev and fixed merge conflicts; there are a few weird bugs to fix; finish by end of term.

  • Raiyan: automatic changing term works;

  • Martin:

    • Auto-timetabling: needs more documentation on auto-timetabling;

    • Expanded view: it is (kind of) done; left some CSS to-do’s; change icon to click for expanded view(?);


  • Lakemba Ramadan market: Angella, MJ, Grace, Martin, Ollie, Sijin, Manhua + possibly other people

  • Study session: Tuesday 19/04/2022 Week 10?


  • Social-timetabling is blocked by authentication system and no database.

  • Get Jared to set up the database.

  • Angella (+ possibly Grace) → create a new front-end design for social-timetabling.

Content request:

  • Set availabilities like in W2M → possible but what would the UI look like?

    • Would take a while to input availabilities → less is better.