2024 Visions and Goals

2024 Visions and Goals

2024 is the first year that the Flagship Projects and associated portfolios have been administered as its own independent society. As DevSoc’s inaugural exec body, we aim to undertake a society building programme that will consolidate Projects' achievements to date and secure the growth and long term future of this society.


Student Community

Provide tech minded UNSW students opportunities to learn and apply technical skills.

We want to foster a community of curious, skilled, enthusiastic and intelligent students who wish to gain soft and hard skills via the programs, events and experiences the society runs. Whether students are involved in the society heavily or casually attend our events, we want people to draw professional value from DevSoc.

Specifically with our Flagship Projects program, we wish to provide student volunteers an in-depth and extensive opportunity to learn and contribute to full stack real world projects in ways they are unable to do by themselves. We hope more students can leverage these projects to gain experiences which will make them more employable and prepared for post university life.

Create a strong social community of like-minded future engineers, developers, designers and creators.

Whether society participants want to create their own businesses or implement efficient algorithms, whether they want to design and build best in class user interfaces or consult organisations on digital transformation - whatever the career, we want this community to contribute to their success.

We hope DevSoc becomes a place where the developers, designers and creators of the future build their networks, make lasting friendships and learn from one another so that they complete their university studies and work experience with a strong directory of industry leaders of the future. As such, we hope that all current, new and alumini members of committee feel included, welcomed and excited to participate.

Provide the wider UNSW student community access to free and useful applications that enhance their student experience.

For students not studying or directly interested in software development, we want to benefit the entire UNSW community’s student experience through providing free to use apps related to university access and progression. This goal is embodied by our Flagship Projects program and it is our intention to continue expanding the scope of these projects beyond being purely relevant to Computer Science students.


Society Building

Maintain a focus on diversity within, acknowledging the positive benefits to member experiences.

We acknowledge that society and the workplaces of the present and future are going to be diverse environments. We also recognise that student enrollments and society internal teams have not reflected such diversity in the past. We aim to make a direct and conscious effort to assemble a diverse team as it relates to gender, race, university progression and international background.

We believe exposure to diverse environments fosters tolerance and understanding between students and different groups. We also know that diverse teams create better cohesion and inclusion reducing stigmas to socialisation and cliques within a team.

Create a perception and culture of merit and accountability.

We want our processes to be transparant and for decisions to be based in good reason. This especially includes the undertaking of internal membership selection. Decisions should be made in good faith, with good reasons and be explainable. We want to avoid perceptions of nepotism, cliques or opaqueness in how decisions are made. We also want our culture to reflect this with executives leading by example.

Secure the governance and financial structure and stability of the society into the future.

We aim to put into place good procedures and practices that set a precedent for good management of the society and its finances into the future. We will also register the society as a not-for-profit with the national charity commission and provide reporting as required. We are comfortable in making changes to the society processes and constitution to leave the society in a better and well managed state for future teams.



Bring your Event to Life

In 2024, we hope to drive DevSoc’s introduction of events for members to attend. As such, this initiative hopes to allow all internal committee members to drive events they are interested in creating for the wider DevSoc community. This could include:

  • Sponsor/Alumni Speaker Panel

  • LinkedIn Photoshoot Day

  • Workshops: Interview Tips, OA Tips, How to make a personal website, How to write a resume, How to leverage LinkedIn

  • Personal Project Showcase


The major goal for 2024 is to grow DevSoc’s pressence in the UNSW space so more students and sponsors are aware of DevSoc. This includes making, gaining following and actively maintaining social media accounts and major social media platforms (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, TikTok, Youtube). We will post society updates such as events, opportunities and development related content. This will engage students interested in software development around UNSW as well as incentivise collaboration with sponsors.

Furthermore, it is essential for us to grow the usage of our projects in the wider UNSW community by creating content promoting usability of our projects such as behind the scenes in a projects team, project instructions and fun short-form clips.


The goal is to build an inclusive, welcoming and exciting environment for all DevSoc internal committee members. As DevSoc continues to grow, it is vital to facilitate, portfolio, division, cross-portfolio and society wide bonding through a variety of HR events. This could include:

  • More cross portfolio bonding activities across divisions so most portfolios get to meet each other

  • Scavenger Hunt where everyone is split up across the committee so we get to meet different people

  • Work with VPs to create division specific events and dinners so divisions are able to bond and get to know each other.

  • Division and portfolio roadtrips

Ideas Box

This is an opportunity for anyone to publicly or anonymously suggest ideas for any portfolio. This could be a HR event, marketing idea, project idea / feedback or any general event. This is to help facilitate inclusion for every committee member to create impact on DevSoc.


Tangible Goals

Internal/Admin Projects Operations Events Community

At least 500 members in DevSoc on Arc Membership Portal Community
At least 500 members in DevSoc Discord Server Community
At least TWO open source contributions (issues or PRs) on each project Projects
Strive for a diverse team (goal of a minimum of THREE non-males in each portfolio) Internal/Admin
Run at least TWO events per termEvents
Run at least ONE major event (Techspire) Events
ALL events must have a feedback form Events
Reduce reliance on current Platform directors by at least 30% Projects
At least TWO society-wide bonding activities per term Operations
Create a unified design system for all flagship projects Projects
Increase usage of all projects by at least 50% Projects
ALL teams have termly checkups Operations
ALL communication is inclusive of projects vs non-projects Internal/Admin
Flagship project logo redesigns (for applicable) Projects


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