Structs Handover 2022-2023
Code walkthrough
inportant files and their purposes, architecture
problems with codebase, what to refactor
General advice
just hire by their special skills/interests e.g. ui/ux
data structure + operations
how many subcomm
not harder to manage, but need enough work
What worked this year, what didn’t, how to do next year
useful skills to have
interview questions (technical, behavioural)
high scoring interview != good team member
younger ppl with motivation and drive to learn + improve
talking too well mighttt be red flag
team management
teamwork vs individual, pair programming
could split up into small specialties/groups for meetings
pair programming to sus out whether they are motivated. discussion, questions
coding sessions
Goals for this year, what was achieved, what wasn’t, why
quality over quantity, polished features
balance new ideas vs getting stuff done
now deployed, don’t break/have broken features
not achieved: testing
What to focus on for next year
Top priorities
manually testing cases is annoying, automate it
new features
code runner hehehe
drag + drop blocks of code to represent operations/animations
run-time debugger
graph visualiser
What to focus on for T1, certain timelines
prep: try building something within codebase to get familiar
to subcom:
show your excITEMENT!!
give support to team members from the beginning
features for T1:
graphs + graph algos (DFS, BFS, Dijkstra’s)
educational content, colalb with edu team
final points
don’t burn out, but keep the rhythm going throughout the year, have smthn going on
try to have a life